
First Workshop BE_BETTER

*Techniques for Self-management projects.

Link for information and registration: http://tinyurl.com/adahis

Nothing is more difficult for most people, who manage their lives, don´t agree?

People living at hasty and not to know where they are going. Besides, do you know where you're going? Have stopped to think if the way you are walking in your life is what you really want? What you are making every day is in accordance with your priorities? Do you not feel that something, can be wrong?
These are questions that many do not want to worry about doing for you.

But we will not choose a path? Absolutely! And for that we plan. To plan is to raise adequate data on the current situation in order to outline clear targets for the future.

- How do you want to be yourself in 5 years?
- Are you satisfied with it´s current state?
- What are your wishes (your state desire)?
- Do you want to learn how to Define, Implement, Verify, Act and Satisfy these desires?

The 1st WORKSHOP BE_BETTER is part of a LIFE MANAGING Program which includes a series of projects whose mission is to help people reflect and better manage their goals in life.

This workshop was adequately modeled for 3 hours in duration and is structured in DIVAS® Model, a methodology that employs tools for planning, administration, project management, coaching and neurolinguistics. Came to know DIVAS® Model Project Managing by Yourself, and how you will BE_BETTER and learn techniques that will allow you to better manage their own lives!

The origin of the DIVAS® Model:
In 2006 came to me the task of writing an article for the Post-graduate course in Project Management, on intuitive management, reporting a parallel between my life up to that date and then learned that, in the classroom. As an entrepreneur since 1986, I felt at that moment an opportunity to recall 20 years of experience and professional staff, and there, in those few words written, see if I really had enough material accumulated and stored.

Currently, both myself, as now, many people are using the DIVAS® Model to life with more focus on achievement and pleasure that the results of their projects give them.

I like to dictate a sentence for a member of the Schurman family, who lives sailing around the world and ministering lectures and courses on philosophy of personal and professional life:

"We can not control the winds but surely we can adjust the sails."

Therefore, I invite you to visit Brasil and came experience a little of your MAP and know how to adjust not only your SAILS, but mainly, your NORTH!


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